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Free I-PASS Sticker Tags
Illinois Tollway visits HPL's lobby
2025-03-24 17:30:002025-03-24 19:30:00America/ChicagoFree I-PASS Sticker TagsStop by our lobby to get a new IPASS sticker! If you deactivate your old transponder, you will get your $10 deposit credited to your account. You do not need to bring your old transponder.Hinsdale Public Library -
Monday, March 24 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Add to Calendar2025-03-24 17:30:002025-03-24 19:30:00America/ChicagoFree I-PASS Sticker TagsStop by our lobby to get a new IPASS sticker! If you deactivate your old transponder, you will get your $10 deposit credited to your account. You do not need to bring your old transponder.Hinsdale Public Library -
Stop by our lobby to get a new IPASS sticker! If you deactivate your old transponder, you will get your $10 deposit credited to your account. You do not need to bring your old transponder.
Once activated, the Sticker Tag is ready to use on the Illinois Tollway and E-ZPass roadways 24 hours after activation
No deposit required for I-PASS Sticker Tags obtained from the Illinois Tollway
The $10 transponder deposit transfers into current I-PASS customer’s account balance once the old transponder is deactivated
No batteries, so no need to swap out and more environmentally-friendly
Existing transponders will continue to work as designed